VC Welcome Message

I welcome and congratulate all our continuing and new students for choosing Kampala International University in Tanzania (KIUT) and assure you that we stand ready to provide the student support services you will need to grow academically, socially, and personally.  In your scholarly pursuits, we encourage you to take full advantage of the resources that we are providing at the University in order to achieve your goals.

To all students, we remind you that your success at KIUT is not solely based on what the University can deliver to you, but it is based primarily on your commitment to take control of the learning opportunities afforded to you at our great University. So, as you begin the rigors of your academic years at KIUT, we implore you to get to know your professors, lecturers and their expectations, manage your time wisely, meet your academic advisors and consult with them regularly, employ effective study and research techniques, pursue your studies with enthusiasm and most of all abide by the University Policies, Rules and Regulations.

For the University to achieve its values and mission and above all have a harmonious and orderly society, Management through the Directorate of Students’ Affairs brings to all students, this handbook that sorely summarises the students’ rules and regulations while at KIUT. All students are encouraged, advised and should take time to familiarize themselves with this handbook. It is intended to help students establish a successful relationship with everyone as a member of the KIUT community.

This handbook is designed to provide an overview of the Students’ policies and procedures at KIUT and the many resources and opportunities that are available to all students. These pages should assist you in understanding what KIUT expects from you as a student and what you should expect from KIUT. For questions not answered in this booklet, feel free to visit the office of the Directorate of Students’ Affairs for more understanding.

Best wishes throughout your Academic years at KIUT, and do not hesitate to seek our guidance should you need assistance in any way!

Prof. Angwara D. Kiwara​

Vice Chancellor​

Research Information Management

Research Projects

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(Tafadhali jaza hii fomu, moja wa wakala wetu atawasiliana nawe hivi punde)

NOTE : * Means Required (Lazima Ijazwe)
