Academic Registrar’s Office

Academic Registrar

Dr. Kamya Edward

Deputy Academic Registrar Teaching and Learning

Mr. Farid Sumry

Deputy Academic Registrar Examination

Mr. Turiabe Victor

The Academic Registrar’s office is responsible for the coordination of all academic activities of the University. The office is headed by an Academic Registrar (AR) who is a senior academic officer as provided for under Article 11 of the KIUT Charter. The   AR is assisted by the three deputies, each in turn in charge of Admissions, Teaching and Learning, and Examinations. The Academic Registrar is supervised by the Deputy Vice Chancellor in charge of Academic Affairs (DVC –AA).

The Academic Registrar’s office has several important structural units which include Admissions, Student Records, Teaching, Learning and Examinations which facilitate the effective implementation and execution of all academic activities.

The Academic Registrar’s office is in charge of curriculum review, preparation of the University almanac, monitoring and evaluation of teaching and learning in collaboration with the Quality Assurance Department, and provision of advisory services to management on the best practices in teaching and learning.

Roles of the Academic Registrar

  1. Provide Leadership and overall Management of the Academic Registrar’s Department
  2. Coordinate all academic matters, Admissions, Registration of Undergraduate and Graduate Students.
  3. Oversee the maintenance and development of students’ records system
  4. Provide relevant, accurate and detailed student data to support a wide variety of academic and administrative processes, including but not limited to monitoring procedures and internal and external reporting requirements.
  5. Coordinate and manage all University Examination Processes, Research, Graduate Studies, Regulations, Syllabi and Staff Development.
  6. Facilitate Senate, Senate Undergraduate Studies Committee, Management and Student Academic Disciplinary Committee as Secretary
  7. Ensure proper management of academic programmes


The Admissions office coordinates admission of certificate, diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, provides careers guidance and academic advisory services to interested parties about issues regarding admission to the university; informs about the study programmes. The admissions office, in conjunction with the marketing department, participates in exhibitions and other marketing initiatives.

Records Unit

The Students’ Records Unit is concerned with filing and retrieving of student records.  All students’ records emanating from the admission process, academic progress, examination and graduation are preserved by this unit.  Retrieval of any document from the records unit follows an authorised process.

Teaching and Learning Unit

The Teaching and Learning unit is in charge of preparation of teaching and examination timetables in collaboration with the faculties and departments, allocation of teaching space and provision of required teaching aids in all lecture rooms and theatres.

In conjunction with the Directorate of Quality Assurance, the Teaching and Learning Unit provides an oversight function to the teaching process, adherence to the best practices by lecturers, and attendance/punctuality of both students and lecturers

Examinations Unit

The examinations unit is in charge of all examination related activities of the university.  It coordinates with the respective departments and faculties, secures examination venues, prints seat numbers, prints seating plans for every session, organises examination materials (scripts and examination questions), and conducts examinations. The unit also provides advisory services to the departments and faculties on issues related to examinations.

The examination unit is in charge of the databank and central marking centre.  The databank is the university’s academic data repository.  It has experimented a few automated systems and zeroed down on the Online Student Information Management system which has simplified data collection, management and retrieval.  Meanwhile the central marking room is aimed at provision of a secure marking environment, and securing student’s scripts after examinations have been conducted.

Student services

Award of Certificates

A certificate is awarded to a candidate who has been properly admitted to the University, discharged all obligations to the University and satisfactorily discharged all University required courses and faculty and departmental requirements prescribed for the certificate/diploma/degree. Certificates are issued to students who have satisfied all academic requirements and dully graduated by appearing in the graduation booklet of the year of graduation.

Collection of Certificates

Students collect their certificates in person by doing the following;

  • Obtain clearance from various departments as stipulated on the Graduation Clearance Form available in the office of the Secretary of the Academic Registrar
  • Submit the clearance form to the same office and pick up your certificate as advised by the officer in charge.
  • On collection, students must present their University and Personal ID cards; all ID cards must bear the picture of the owner

Replacement of Certificates

A former student who misplaces his/her certificate should submit a Police report and a letter applying for the replacement of the certificate. The student will be required to pay as replacement fees of TShs 100,000 to the bank and forward his pay receipt to the Finance department.


A transcript is a record of all courses attempted and all results obtained by a student in the course of his/her studies. An official transcript can be obtained up to three days after submitting a request.

Statement of Results

Continuing students may access their periodical statement of results from the office of the Academic Registrar after the end of every examination session and release of results.  The students may request for results of specific semesters or a complete set of results for the covered period of study except for CPB/CPT students.

Requests for statements of result should be made by Monday and Wednesday of every week.  Requests received by Monday could be processed by Wednesday and requests received by Wednesday could be processed by Friday.  No requests for statements of results shall be handled spontaneously.

Research Information Management

Research Projects

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(Tafadhali jaza hii fomu, moja wa wakala wetu atawasiliana nawe hivi punde)

NOTE : * Means Required (Lazima Ijazwe)
