Faculty of Education and Legal Studies

Dean of Faculty

Dr. Zaharah Kiggundu


The Faculty houses three Departments namely;

  1. Department of Legal Studies
  2. Department of Education
  3. Department of Science with Education

The faculty runs its activities in tandem with guidance from Higher Education regulators in Tanzania as well as strict adherence to University Vision,  Mission and Objectives. Its aim is to nurture the above departments in order to produce highly competitive graduates who can favorably meet  the global labor market demands and also be agents of social change in the 21st Century.

Programmes Justification

The rapid population growth and globalization trends in the world and East African region in particular, calls for corresponding solutions to the labor market thus need for the supply of highly qualified trained teachers and Lawyers in order to match the Education and Legal sector. It should be noted that the graduates of this Faculty have and will significantly contribute to serving in the labour market in Tanzania and beyond boarders.

General Objectives

The programmes in the three departments aim to produce competent, professional teachers and Lawyers with the appropriate and adequate knowledge, skills, passion and proficiency to meet the challenges of both Professions in the 21st Century.

Target Groups

The programmes are generally intended for those who qualify for University admission according to TCU guidelines. Please find below the breakdown of the three departments;

Research Information Management

Research Projects

Having Trouble Applying? (je, unahitaji msaada wa kufanya maombi?)

Please fill in your details and one of our agents will contact you shortly.
(Tafadhali jaza hii fomu, moja wa wakala wetu atawasiliana nawe hivi punde)

NOTE : * Means Required (Lazima Ijazwe)
