Gender Affairs

Director of Gender Desk

Ms. Neema Mpigiye

Harassment Complaints



Kampala International University in Tanzania (KIUT)Directorate of Gender Affairs was established in March, 2020 to ensure gender equality, equity and to address various aspects of gender disparities in all University   activities.The Gender Affairs Directorate coordinates a variety of initiatives that are geared towards promoting overall performance through incorporation of holistic and gendered responsive organizational best practices and balanced environment at KIUT.


KIUT Gender Affairs Directorate aspires to ensure the realization of a gender responsive University in which substantive gender equality and equity is realized.


The mission of the directorate is to enable the University to excel in providing a gender responsive organizational environment and to integrate gender into functions of the University in order to attain gender equality and equity as well as eliminating all forms of gender discrimination at KIUT.


  • To promote a culture and values of gender equality and equity at the University.
  • To supervise the implementation of the University’s Gender Policy.
  • To compile, collate and analyse cases of gender-based discrimination, exploitation, harassment and violence.
  • To provide support to victims of gender-based discrimination, exploitation, harassment and violence.
  • To prosecute perpetrators of gender-based discrimination, exploitation and violence.


To achieve these objectives, the Gender Affairs Directorate endeavours to undertake the following activities:

  • Provide advisory and counselling services when students and face gender based problems in their academic and social lives.
  • Provide orientation programs for first-year students about different aspects of campus life, including introducing the environment, gender policy, different forms of gender based discrimination, exploitation, harassment and violence, as well as existing mechanisms to address the same.
  • Conduct training programmes in areas of life skills, gender awareness, leadership, assertiveness, anti-harassment code, and human rights.
  • Organizing And supporting gender student clubs.
  • Conduct programmes to sensitize on the enrolment, performance, achievement and retention of females in science, information, communication, and Technology.
  • Support extracurricular activities targeting female and male students to promote positive interactions.


In addition to coordinating these student-targeted activities, the Office also endeavours to do the following:

  • Coordinate KIUT Celebration of International Women’s Day (8th March).
  • Seeks To increase gender awareness among the University community.
  • Work to minimize gender based and sexual harassment in the University.
  • Partner with internal stakeholders as well as external organizations to create synergies and utilise available expertise to achieve shared goals.
  • Participate in developing curricula, research, and consulting programmes related to gender responsive society.
  • Support Female empowerment in lecturers, researchers and leadership through training, seminars, and workshops.
  • Create awareness around HIV and AIDS to empower men and women to make responsible decisions regarding their sexuality.
  • Create a mechanism of channelling all gender related grievances to the Directorate so as to seek redress.


The Gender Desk is supported by a Committee composed of: the DVC FA – Chairperson; Director, Gender Desk – Secretary; Dean of Students, 3 student representatives, University Lawyer, and Medical Doctor and 1 Workers’ Representative.

If you would like to support or collaborate with the Office in any aspect, our door is open.
Let’s work hand in hand towards creating a comfortable learning and working environment for everyone!

Thank you for visiting the web page and we look forward to receiving your feedback.

Harassment Complaint Form

Kampala International University in Tanzania (KIUT) is committed to ensuring that each member of the campus community works or studies in an inclusive and respectful environment.

Students, faculty, and staff are entitled to a place of work and study, free from any form of unlawful discrimination and harassment that is based on gender. All reported allegations of discrimination or harassment, will be investigated and adjudicated according to University Gender Policy.

If you have experienced or have knowledge of an act of discrimination or harassment i.e. assault or harassment, involving a student, staff, faculty member, please report the incident(s) by completing the Harassment Complaint Form.

You can choose to

  • Complete this form where every question including optional and required; or 
  • Complete the form anonymously

The form is submitted so that you cannot be identified in anyway if you wish to submit the form anonymously, the form is strictly confidential and will be secured

By using this form you are not making a report to the University to open an investigation.

You are supplying information about what happened to help your solve your case and help the University to

  • Develop strategies which target incidents of harassment,
  • Make the University community safer

If you have any questions about the complaint process, please contact the Gender Office at 5th Floor, Law Building, or call 0692968590 or email us at

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(Tafadhali jaza hii fomu, moja wa wakala wetu atawasiliana nawe hivi punde)

NOTE : * Means Required (Lazima Ijazwe)

Harassment Complaint Form

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