Human Resource Management

Director of Human Resource

Khadija Ahmad Porry

Directorate Functions

  1. Staffing Needs
  2. Compensation
  3. Benefits
  4. Performance Appraisal
  5. Legal Compliance

Staffing Needs

Human resources department is mainly known for its responsibility of recruiting employees. This includes creating position announcements which involve identifying job duties and determining the skill level and requirements that are needed for a position. Personnel screen applicants by completing reference checks, administering tests, and interviewing potential candidates. This department is integral to the termination of employees as they help ensure that no laws are violated during this process.


Fair payment is a huge concern for employees. Human resources department personnel evaluate and make changes to an organization’s pay structure by researching compensation trends with the aim of providing employees with industry-acceptable pay. It also asses policies and help the University comply with the labor laws. Human resources department reviews and provide documentation for unemployment claims.


Developing and effectively administrating an employee benefits program is a great recruitment and retention tool that the University use. Common benefits of a job include health insurance. Human resources personnel researches and analyze information to obtain the best packages for these benefits which should provide adequate coverage for employees while minimizing the costs for the employer. During enrollment season, human resources departments provide vital information to employees to make time-sensitive decisions. They also coordinate the processes involved with specialized leave time for employees such as maternity leave.

Performance Appraisal

Human resources departments work in conjunction with individual department managers (Head of Departments) to evaluate employee performance. This department is responsible for creating the entire performance appraisal process. This process frequently occurs annually. Equitable practices must exist as appraisals are used as the basis for promotion. The department oversees this process making sure that all participants understand the process, that deadlines are adhered to, and that only qualified employees receive the rewards for exemplary performance reviews.

Legal Compliance

The Directorate is responsible for the safety and equitable treatment of its employees. Laws exist to protect employees in a variety of areas. Failure to comply can bring countless lawsuits which can undermine the University’s reputation.
