The Directorate of Quality Assurance

Director of QA and Monitoring

Dr. Owade Joan Adongo

At KIUT, we view quality into six dimensions i.e. excellence in academics, client satisfaction, value for money (efficiency), value added, fitness for purpose and meeting the threshold requirements as set by TCU.

The realistic nature of the activities performed by the QA team members has enabled educational managers in the university to operate strategically and act optimally. All these are done in line with the university vision that is also geared at producing globally recognized professionals across various domains of knowledge and skill.

With the six-dimensional view of a client/student-based satisfaction, QA is striving to make KIUT a premier institution of global recognition by ensuring that excellence in teaching and research are adhered to at the university.

This will help nurture a diverse learning community in which the students will meet people from different cultures, thereby enhancing their skills of critical reasoning, teamwork and communication. In the end, the students will be prepared for successful participation in their respective chosen careers in their communities and on a global scale.

We thus call upon you to be part of this needs-based and dynamic learning environment.

Directorate Objectives

  1. The overall objective of quality assurance at KIUT is to provide guidance in development and implementation of internal and external quality assurance procedures and practices such as to:

    1. Mainstream quality in planning, implantation and evaluation at all levels;
    2. Provide a framework for ensuring quality delivery of academic programs and other services;
    3. Propel KIUT to greater achievement in development of knowledge, technology, and scholarly attainment; and
    4. Contribute towards enhanced application of knowledge, technology and scholarship to solve current and emerging societal problems in the pursuit of KIUT’s national, regional and international development goals.

Guiding Quality Standards

KIUT quality standards is guided by the following

  1. TCU Quality Assurance Guidelines
  2. NACTE Framework for Quality Standards
  3. Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) Quality Assurance Guidelines
  4. SADC Qualifications Framework (SADCQF)

Research Information Management

Research Projects

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(Tafadhali jaza hii fomu, moja wa wakala wetu atawasiliana nawe hivi punde)

NOTE : * Means Required (Lazima Ijazwe)
