KIUMSA - Kampala International University Muslim Students Association


Background Information

Kampala International University Muslim Students Association (KIUMSA) was established in 2008, before the then Kampala International University – Dar es Salaam Constituent College became a full-fledged university, currently known as Kampala International University in Tanzania.

Throughout this period, the association was using the University main hall to worship and conduct their activities, which was a challenge due to their schedules being squeezed and conflicting with other people and associations. These challenges together with regulatory requirements of having worship facilities as a right for every person to worship, the association decided to hold talks with the university management to be allocated a special building to utilize as a Mosque for the association, its members, and other Muslims from different walks of life  for worshiping and other related activities. The management granted their request and they were allocated a building that was internally renovated into a mosque for people to worship in.

Among the achievements the association is immensely proud of is being able to unify and bring together Muslim students and staff members irrespective of their education and/or age barriers.

Undoubtedly, KIUMSA is among the rapidly growing association in the country and has been exemplary to some university, something we are indeed proud of and intend to increase the successful pace.

The Muslim students of Kampala International University in Tanzania is committed to:

  • Awareness of the fact that KIUMSA was created to serve its members in the pursuit of academic and social welfare, peace, prosperity and integrity
  • Recognize the fact that it is their responsibility to sensitize members and the wider community on the contemporary issues affecting the Muslim community including social, religious and economic happenings.
  • Encourage a working transition of academic life and cultivation of genuine and responsible sense of Islam leadership noting the challenges that are facing Muslim in the contemporary world.
  • Promote democratic values of transparency, accountability and respect for student rights, together with social justice to be institutionalized in our system of organization to ensure that democracy is enjoyed by all.


To attain the pleasure of Allah (S.W.T)


To be the medium through which students participate actively in propagating Islam by fostering co-operation. Unity development of the Muslim Ummah guided by the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).


“Hold together to the covenant of Allah and do not be disunited” (Al-Imran)


  1. To bring together Muslim students under a sense of belonging
  2. Strive to make informed contribution in promotion of academic freedom with the available resources.
  3. Develop a positive attitude to and from the Muslim community through participation in the community services and other related projects.
  4. To promote the interest and welfare of the members through the creation of a sense of belonging and Islamic brotherhood
  5. To organize and facilitate activities to help the university community to understand and appreciate the dynamic word of Islamic belief.
  6. To champion the Islamic practice and tendencies that enhances democracy, stability and co- operation in the university.
  7. Work with the organizations both within and outside the university at national or/and international level in promoting the interest and welfare of the members and Muslim community in general.
  8. Ensure equitable representation and seek to address matters of social welfare of members equitably.
  9. To find what contributions KIUMSA members can make for the development and protection of Islam.


  1. Fiqh Session: Undoubtedly, many Muslim students are spiritually bankrupt due to their lack of knowledge on Islamic Jurisprudence, which creates the need to develop Muslims on campus,spiritually. This is done through Fiqh Sessions in the Mosque Musolah (Praying Areas) to address these challenges both theoretically and practically. It teaches Islamic way of life.
  2. An-Nashrah: This program at times comes up during the Fiqh Sessions. It aims to educate Muslims and non- Muslim alike on how to relate with the Islamic tenets from an Islamic perspective.A reputable and capable scholar is usually invited to anchor it.
  3. Association Meetings: Associations are established to reach people from the grass roots and have the coordinators saddle with the responsibility of organizing weekly meetings among other things at their convenience.
  4. Arabic Classes: These are held at least three times a week and aims to teach members on how to read,write and speak Arabic with ease.
  5. Brotherhood Night: This is a specific forum designed to create an Islamic bond among the male members. It is held twice a month in the KIUMSA Mosque and involves highly experienced lecturers who teach gender-related matters. It quite fulfilling.
  6. Wise Ladies Forum: Unlike the Brotherhood Night Forum, the Wise Ladies Forum is a weekly program specifically designed to bring ladies/sisters together to jointly be taught and discuss peculiar gender related matters. It is known as“Solatul Ishai” that takes place every Thursday.
  7. Joint Iftar: It is common knowledge that engaging in supererogation actives of Islam makes one an inmate of Al-Jannah, which is to encourage members to fast on Thursdays, Mondays and during the Ramadan. A joint Iftar is usually organized by the KIUMSA.
  8. Da’wahCorps: It is a Program designed to develop brothers physically through sports, which areheldon Saturdays, 6:30 pm at the KIUT Sports grounds.
  9. Community Outreach through Weekly Caravans to spread the Word of Allah and Charities through blood donations, visiting orphans and the elderly.

Periodic Programs/Events

  1. Examination Success Du’a: This is to complements the hard work that members have put into their students. It is held prior to each Semester Examinations at the KIUMSA –DC mosque.
  2. Visiting Orphanage and Elderly Centers: Aimed at helping orphans and the elderly by providing them with some items like clothes, shoes and food.

Annual Programs

  1. Orientation Week:This is a special program designed to welcome new(freshmen) and continuing (returning) students to the KIUT Campus. We educate them about campus life, including challenges they may face and provide guidance. Events usually lined-up for this program are special Lectures for Freshers and fiesta parties, among others.
  2. Awareness Week: As the name connects this program,it aims to create general awareness on Islam to People on campus through public lectures and special hostel visits, among other major events.
  3. Da’wan Week: This is the most eventful program on campus that features a week-long program of great procession, public lectures and humanitarian visits, with a formal opening and special closing ceremony.
  4. Academic Counseling Seminar: As part of the association’s effort to assist in the continuous improvement of academic performance of students, the annual academic counseling program was created to assist in this endeavor.
  5. Annual Sister’s Seminar: Training a female is equivalent to training a whole nation This is why the association saw it fit to organize the Sister’s seminar, which is held yearly on every second semester. The seminar is exclusive to female students, addressing issues concerning their gender. The program is usually well attended.
  6. Ramadan Feeding Program: This is a program designed to provide food to fasting Muslims within the campus and outside during Iftar periods.
  7. KIUMSA Dinner: This is a dinner prepared for members that are university finalists as a way of bidding them farewell.

Authority and Responsibility of the Executive Board

  1. Responsible for the administration of KIUMSA
  2. Keep in safe custody records and property of KIUMSA
  3. Initiate and implement policies approved by members
  4. Vet and accordingly approve all meetings organized by individuals and/or the community of Muslim students in the name of KIUMSA
  5. Implement resolutions made by members

Roles and Powers of Individuals & Executive Board Members


    1. Presides over all KIUMSA meeting (EC.A.G.M)
    2. Be the official spokesman of the Association
    3. Together with Secretary General and Treasury Chairman is a signatory to KIUMSA financial transaction
    4. Delegate or assign duties or responsibilities to EC members or KIUMSA MEMBERS
    5. Represent KIUMSA in functions
    6. Maintain and have custody of all correspondence of KIUMSA

    1. Be responsible for the welfare of members
    2. Accept eldest in article 6. D (i) (ii) in the absence of the chairperson, Vice chairperson assumes, and acts on behalf of the chairperson

    1. Keep in proper manner all the proceedings of KIUMSA meetings.
    2. Be the custodian of the constitution
    3. Keep records of all registered
    4. Together with the chairman and Treasurer, secretary general is a signatory to KIUMSA financial matters
    5. Issues notice of meetings in accordance with this constitution
    6. Perform any other duty as may be assigned by the chairperson

    1. Keep financial records of KIUMSA
    2. Ensure all payments and expenditures are duly authorized
    3. Presents financial statements to members during the Annual General Meetings (A.G.M)
    4. Mandatory signatory to KIUMSA financial transactions
    5. Keep and oversee association finances
    6. Prepare and present semester budgets to both the executive board and the members for approval

    1. There shall be a patron nominated from among Muslim University staff and Approved by the members subject to the acceptance of that nominated officer and whose term shall be that of the executive board but can be renewed by the members
    2. Shall be responsible for technical advice to the executive board and the affairs of KIUMSA
    3. In the absence of the holder of this office, any Muslim lecturer or a non-teaching staff can take charge in an acting capacity until that time when replacement shall have been made

    1. Responsible for academic matters related to members in university
    2. Provides students with academic guidance and counseling
    3. Organizes Islamic public lectures, seminars and conferences in KIUT
    4. Coordinates KIUMSA’s academic programs like tuition programs

    1. Responsible for masjid services
    2. Responsible for Repair of masjid
    3. Organizers and coordinators of Ibada

    1. Responsible for disciplining leaders and KIUMSA MEMBERS for disobedience
    2. Intervening and resolving conflicts between among members and leaders in the association
    3. Coordinate hutba,mawaidha and darsa
    4. Coordinate and implement religious schemes and programs within the university

    1. Responsible for managing association information and production of official publications
    2. Responsible for organized official news and production of related official publications
    3. Link association to external media as maybe required from time to time

    1. Shall be selected from each class
    2. Enforce the laws and regulations enacted by association
    3. Be responsible to link the association with students
    4. Perform any duties directed by the association
    5. Ensure that there is full participation of students in any activities of the association
    6. Represent association to the Muslim students in the university
    7. Collect views,complaints and advice from the class on matters relating to the KIUMSA objectives

    1. Motivate female members to partake in association activities
    2. To be spokesperson of female Muslim student
    3. To be representative of female members in association

    1. There shall be an electoral committee composed of not more than five executive board members, outgoing KIUMSA members who may opt to invite other Muslim persons who must not exceed three people to assist in handling the general election
    2. Such invited members must not make decisions but only act as advisers to the board members
    3. Must immediately meet to elect their chairperson, secretary, and plan for the course of action
    4. Executive members automatically became member of Electoral committee

Research Information Management

Research Projects

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(Tafadhali jaza hii fomu, moja wa wakala wetu atawasiliana nawe hivi punde)

NOTE : * Means Required (Lazima Ijazwe)
