Counseling Services

Universities students experience great challenges in both their academic and personal lives. Many new and important decisions are made during these days. Change is constant, and stress often accompanies these new experiences.

The office of counseling services provides a place for students to discuss these multifaceted changes in a private and confidential setting. Counseling helps students cope with these challenges and make sound decisions. Students who are experiencing serious emotional difficulties or who require specialized or long-term treatment can receive referrals to professional services off campus.

Services are free of charge. The staff follows strict professional codes of confidentiality. Counseling records are not part of university records.


Student Handbook

Research Information Management

Research Projects

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(Tafadhali jaza hii fomu, moja wa wakala wetu atawasiliana nawe hivi punde)

NOTE : * Means Required (Lazima Ijazwe)
