Faculty of Computing, Business and Management and Social Sciences

Dean of Faculty

Dr. Rashid Kiliza



The Faculty of Computing, Business and Management and Social Sciences (FCMSS) is located at Kampala International University (KIUT) main Campus; which is about 45km from Dar es Salaam City Centre or 2.5 km from Julius Nyerere International Airport (JNIA) in Gongo-la-Mboto – Ilala district.

The Faculty of Computing, Business and Management and Social Sciences, offers courses in business administration and management, computing and social sciences, conducts related research and provide public services, since the university was  started in 2012. Before then the faculty was a unit that was extended from the Mother University established in Uganda. It ran as fully fledged programs in various disciplinary areas such as: on Computing and innovations leading to BACHELOR OF COMPUTING degree; On Business and Management side are accounting, finance, marketing, human resource and general management. The Undergraduate programmes offered by the Faculty in business include Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting), Bachelor of Business Administration BBA (Marketing, Corporate Finance Human Resources Management). On Social Sciences the FCBMSS offer courses that lead to Bachelor of Development Studies (BDS), Bachelor of Guidance and Counseling (BGC), Bachelor of Public Administration (BPA), Bachelor of Social Work and Social Administration (BSW) and Bachelor of Art In Conflict Resolution and Peace Building.

 Under KIU Postgraduate programmes were Masters in Business Administration (MBA) on full time, part time and modular basis, , and Doctor of Philosophy degree (either in full or on part time basis). Specializations in the MBA were in the areas of Finance, Human Resources Management and Marketing. Other programs were Degrees in Computer Science and information technology.

The FCBMSS is an interdisciplinary academic unit of Kampala International University in Tanzania, which is has three departments  namely: ComputingBusiness and Management and Social Sciences that continue to train students in Computing and Information Technology, Business and Management and Social Science courses at Degree levels. In addition to offering all-round knowledge skills and competencies in different areas of specialization, the Faculty trains and engages its students in research, industrial training/Field attachment and community outreach activities.

In fulfilling those obligations, the Faculty recognizes the fact that students, regardless of their programs of study, are supposed to possess general competence as a result of their training. It therefore provides the trainees with basic as well as advanced theoretical and practical knowledge in their respective specializations, and exposes them to modern computing and technological changes, various models of management and administration approaches in modern organizations together with paradigm shifts in humanity and social sciences disciplinary areas.

The Faculty as part of Institutional Mode

The KIUT has vision and mission from which its objectives have been derived. The University has set up a mechanism of institutional communicating and management in order to be effective and transparent in decision making. There is participative decision making organs from Departments and Faculties to the University level.

In realizing that, the university has streamlined its way of functioning in order to meet legal requirements, improve efficiency and accountability. FCBMSS is determined to run courses and programmes that assess and determine the most appropriate institutional mode for facilitating the realisation of its set aspirations.


Faculty Vision

To become a reputable world class Faculty in the University that is responsive to national regional and global development needs through engagement in dynamic knowledge creation and application

KIUT Mission, Guiding Theme and Values

The unrelenting pursuit of scholarly and strategic research, education, training and public service directed at attainment of equitable and sustainable social-economic development of Tanzania and the rest of Africa.

The guiding theme for the 2019 – 2025 is:

“Enhancing quality outputs in teaching, research and public service”.

FCBMSS core values are KIUT core values

  1. Excellence in all endeavours
  2. Holistics human development
  3. Team work and effective communications
  4. Innovation and entrepreneurship
  5. Interdisciplinary and research driven programming
  6. Multi-culturalism and global citizenship.

The guiding values in pursuit of this mission are:

  1. Professional and ethical standards – by upholding the highest professional standards and ethical behaviour, and through openness, honesty, tolerance and respect for the individual in all disciplines
  2. Student de-paternalisation – by treating all students of the KIUT as adults who are fully responsible for their behaviour to the society
  3. Equity and social justice – by ensuring equal opportunity and non-discrimination on the basis of personal, ethnic, religion, gender or other social characteristic
  4. Academic excellence;
  5. Academic freedom;
  6. Internationalization;
  7. Social responsibility;
  8. Developmental responsibility;
  9. Teaching and learning, creating a holistic student-centred learning environment to facilitate full realisation of their potential
  10. Institutional autonomy;
  11. Public accountability;
  12. Productivity, innovation and entrepreneurship;
  13. Strategic planning culture; and
  14. Research relevance and ICT.

The Core Areas

The FCBMSS pursues it development activities in various 17 core areas such as:

  1. Improved institutional mode/framework
  2. Improved organisation and management
  3. Strengthened human resources capacity and management
  4. Improved teaching and learning quality/output
  5. Increased student enrollment
  6. Increased quality research and publications output
  7. Increased quality consultancy output
  8. Strengthened linkages and partnerships
  9. Improved library services
  10. Increased Information and Communication Technology capacity and its application to academic and administrative activities
  11. Improved management of support-operations/services
  12. Improved infrastructural capacity and services
  13. Strengthened financial capacity and management
  14. Observe cross cutting issues such as entrepreneurship and gender aspects and mainstreaming
  15. Improve general student absenteeism and laizzez-fare behaviour
  16. Improve general teacher absenteeism and laizzez-fare behaviour
  17. Improved student and teacher welfare

Organization and Management

Currently, the Faculty is headed by the Dean who is assisted by few associates; in academic, research, consultancy and publications matters.  There are three operational departments, headed by members of academic staff.  The Faculty has various coordinators for different programmes within the Faculty.  There are separate coordinators for; time table, OSIM, Entrepreneurship Centre, and postgraduate programs. The roles and responsibilities are expanding rapidly in terms of volume and complexity of the Faculty’s activities that necessitates a major review of the organisational and management structures of the Faculty from time to time.

Human Resources Management

The Faculty has 34 members of academic staff and five administrative staff. The staff student ratio for the Faculty is generally high.

FCBMSS and Research Publication

The Faculty of FCBMSS established an inter-disciplinary Journal of Social Sciences and Business studies. It is a peer referred journal published biannually. The journal focuses on analysis of rural and agricultural transformation, industrialization, development strategies, gender, public health, poverty issues, science technology and environment with respect with Tanzania and other African countries. All correspondences to be addressed to the Chief Editor Journal of Social Sciences and Business studies of Kampala International University in Tanzania, P. O. Box 9790, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Email: ssjournaleditor@kiut.ac.tz 

Consultancies and service to general Public

FCBMSS has a pool of manpower in various parts of social sciences, business and computing. Such consultancy assignments are carried out through individuals and teams within the faculty as well as in collaborations with other staff within and outside the university. FCBMSS members also serve in other institutions mentoring and providing services at national and international Boards.

Future Prospects

Given the changes taking place in the university’s environment the FCBMSS is open to new developments that call for adjustment from time to time in order to introduce new programs that address new challenges as they emerge and meet market needs and demands. Some immediate needs include programs that match with new industrialization policy and urban challenges that emerge as many people live together. The departments will be encouraged to develop and introduce new programs in; Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Hospitality Management, E- Commerce, Operations Management, International Business, and Business Services Management in (Ports, Hospitals, Schools and University)

Research Information Management

Research Projects

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